Life Theory - Endless Possibilities

True Way of Life

 Since we are born into this world, we are taught that the world is the way it is and not to be concerned over the subject of money over the course of our life before reaching 20 years old. I think this holds true for most of us as our food and accommodation are well taken care of and we don't need to worry for a single day within that period of time. And this is the cause of the problem in our society in my view. There is no systematic education on the subject of money, things that really require our concern like savings, taxation and investments are not taught to us. I've personally attended the accounting and finance course in my college and it also barely scratch the surface. 

With the advancement of current technology, we can learn the subject of money and investments through portals like youtube, webinars, ebooks and audiobooks. People that are hungry for success are now given a chance to change themselves, moving up to higher hierarchy in the social pyramid. (Work In Progress) Many quotes from famous people have told us that if we want something in life, we need to strive for it rather than waiting it to come by itself. I am a true believer of such statements, ever since my primary school (elementary school) era, I hardly believe in abstract things like luck and fate. Maybe because I hardly win in lucky draw contest and any other participation that depends on the probability of winning. 

It occurs to me if I wanted a bicycle or a PlayStation 2 back then, I would need to work hard to get the first few ranking in school's examinations, miraculously I have managed to obtain the 1st or 2nd place quite often and managed to reap the reward from my parents. Sometimes I wonder if they are just toying with me, thinking I can't reach the high standard that they have set for me, therefore saving the portion of money that they would spend for my reward hahaha!!! Even up to this day, I have worked my way to get the things I wanted in life, iPhone, iPad, Digital Cameras, Laptops all through my own effort. I believe that there are nothing I can't achieve if I poured my heart and soul in it. (I pray this for you as well) 

Recently I was obsessed with the subject of success, which is still a part of the money. Great work from Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich", Anthony Robins "Money Master The Game", Andrew Carnegie and few more great authors of their time. Apart from that, I listen closely to what the master speakers like Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and more on the subject of success. It seems to me that they all have shared the same secret regardless of what fields or industries that they are in. It occurs to me, that "Passion" and "Love Your Work" are the two most powerful elements that drives them to what they are or at least what they were in the past. 

When I was younger of age around 12-15 years old, my dad often brought me to all these mega-mansions in the heart of the city, he was responsible for fixing the luxury jacuzzi in those luxury homes. Every time I saw those houses, I kept on wondering that how the hell that they managed to afford those big houses and our family can't really buy the things that we desired in life. As my dad always says, when he wanted something he would say "Son, we will put this in our 5-year or 10-year plan, we will have it eventually", guess what? Not a single thing that he wanted really came to life. Don't be mistaken, my dad is a very hardworking man, more hardworking than any person on the earth I would have known. Just that the universe works in miraculous ways. Later in life, I just found out everyone else in the world that talks and walks like him will suffer the same fate. 

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.
-Jim Rohn

I would say it is the curiosity that kept me moving, driving me to learn the art of success, what is so different of me than those millionaire or billionaire tycoons that have reach a new height in life every now and then. What makes them so different from me and my family. I really wonder, and I found the answer (still working on it). It's the way that they think, it's the totally opposite thinking process that makes the distinction between a loser and a winner in life. It's not like they have 2 brains and I have only 1, or 6 pairs of legs and arms compared to 1 pair of legs and arms of mine. All the books and videos in the market have directed me, in the same way, one and another. It shows that if we think differently, we would have a totally different point of view and even change our life forever. As simple as that, but still 99% of the population failed to do so and put them in the position of where they are right now. All they do the whole day is complain about the government, their spouses, their neighbours, their relatives or maybe their dogs. 

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find
-Matthew 7:7

If there is one word that is powerful enough for me to share with you, that would be the quote in the holy bible "Ask and Ye Shall Receive" in Matthew 7:7. This is a powerful quote not from me or just anyone, it is recorded in the holy bible itself. (Excuses me for non-Christians) I do believe in the word of Jesus and Heavenly Father. This is a simple yet powerful phrase, just ask for what you want in life and you shall receive. Show some sincerity in asking and miracles will happen. I found this proves to be very true indeed. Jim Rohn under the influence of his mentor Mr Schwab said that you need to have a goal in life, and direct all the energy and effort in life to attain that goal. In fact goal setting was not what everyone would do, it was hard for me to even construct a to-do list for my day prior to this. I found setting goals proves to be extremely powerful, it direct our mind to achieve things that really matter in our life and skip over those we thought important but apparently not so. Goals can be divided into a numerous category, of course, economic or financial well-being is one of them, goals to be healthier at the end of the day. Or even what you want to achieve in life, be it buying a new car, new house or an expensive getaway that never seemed possible at the moment of goal setting. 

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